What The Fragment is:

The Fragment Room is a rage room designed for you to break down your barriers and unleash your inner frustrations in a non-violent, safe space. Whether it's your boss yelling at you or a train breakdown ruining your day, wouldn't it be great to have a place to release your rage? Come and shatter that anger into fragments.


The Fragment Activity or Rage Room is a therapeutic experience designed to help people manage stress and release pent-up emotions in a safe, controlled environment. This activity is designed to prevent harm to oneself and others, focusing on objects that can be safely destroyed. This is not an act of violence. GalUP is an empowerment group not one that supports nor encourages violence.


Process for GalUP Online & Outbound Events:

The timekeeper of the session guides everyone through the script. Soul Weaver / Soul Helpers, remind everyone of the process for each round, especially if there are new members.

1. Opening Event - TBA

Welcome opening and quote by Soul Weaver/ Soul Helper

Guidelines + approval

2. Oneness Session - TBA

GalUP check-in on mood / mind space / feelings

3. GalUP Event Actiivation: TBA

1.New light session

4. Check-Out Session: TBA

GalUP check-in on mood / mind space / feelings

GalUP closing mantra “BE BETTER NOT BITTER, GALUP!